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Incessant itching can be maddening no matter where it is on your body. However, it can be especially frustrating — and even embarrassing — to deal with anal itching. Although it can make you feel self-conscious, it’s important to understand that anal itchiness is incredibly common. So much so there’s...
Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are swollen veins that develop in or around your anus and rectum. They can be either inside your rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or sit right outside your anus (external hemorrhoids). In some cases, hemorrhoids can have symptoms that are very mild or even unnoticeable. However, most...
Almost everyone is bound to get constipated at some point in their lives. Constipation is technically defined as having less than three bowel movements per week, but it’s important to note that everyone’s normal bowel habits will look very different. Some people poop several times a day, while others only...
As unpleasant as it is, many of us will develop a hemorrhoid or two at some point in our lives, dealing with all the symptoms that come with them, such as rectal pain, bleeding, and itching. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in or around your anus and rectum. There are two...
Your anal canal is full of blood vessels. When one of those blood vessels gets enlarged, a hemorrhoid forms. Hemorrhoids can either develop inside the rectum (internal) or outside the anus (external). In some cases, blood clots can form inside a hemorrhoid, which can cause it to swell and exacerbate...
By the age of 50, almost half of the population has experienced hemorrhoids — and all the symptoms that come with the condition — at some point in their lives. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins located at the base of your rectum and anus. They’re typically caused by increased pressure around...
We all have hemorrhoids. We only notice them when they enlarge and cause symptoms. Hemorrhoids are the ring of blood vessels and tissue located in the lower part of the rectum and anus. They provide cushion and support. Hemorrhoid flare-ups affect many people and often go away on their own...
The urge to scratch is intense, yet scratching provides no relief. Anal itching, or what we call pruritus ani, is a skin condition that affects the sensitive tissue around the anal opening. The itchiness may occur from any number of causes, and sometimes, it may be unknown. Though we understand...
Did you know we’re born with hemorrhoids? They’re part of the vascular structure of the anal canal. We only notice them when the veins swell and cause anal itchiness, pain, and discomfort. About 50% of adults 50 and over have symptomatic hemorrhoids. Though surgery is an option in severe cases,...
With proper care and steering clear of constipation, your anal fissure can heal on its own. The most significant problem you may face during the healing process is the pain during and after a bowel movement. But you don’t have to suffer through the healing process. Our anorectal disorder specialist,...
Most people get relief from hemorrhoid symptoms after implementing diet and lifestyle changes. But when eating more fiber and spending less time on the toilet fail to improve hemorrhoid pain, you may need other interventions. Infrared coagulation (IRC) is a quick, nonsurgical treatment for internal hemorrhoids. Our anorectal disorder specialist,...
Itchy skin is never pleasant, but it’s especially uncomfortable when it affects your bum. Anal itchiness, also called pruritus ani, is intense and hard to ignore. Though the uncomfortable sensation has many causes and may affect anyone, it’s very common in people with diabetes. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in...
So, you’ve noticed a concerning change during your bathroom visits, and the question lingering in your mind is, “When should I see an expert about blood in my stool?” We get it. Blood in stool is sensitive, and you may feel uncomfortable discussing it with family and friends. But it’s...
The anal pain is unbearable, and sitting is impossible because it feels like you have a sharp pebble stuck in your pants. If this sounds like you, you may have a thrombosed hemorrhoid. Given the location and nature of your situation, you may want to know: Does a thrombosed hemorrhoid...
Hemorrhoids usually resolve independently after adjusting your diet and bathroom habits, and you may not need any medical interventions. However, not everyone gets relief from their hemorrhoids with home remedies. Suppose you continue to have symptoms after a week of at-home interventions. In that case, our anorectal expert, Dr. Betsy...
Most people find it difficult to talk about health issues that involve very private parts of the body. Instead, they turn to the internet to find the answers they need, like "What's causing my anal pain?" If you're sitting on the toilet reading this, you may have the answer you...
Seeing bright red blood in the toilet is bound to set off alarm bells. And it should. Though most causes of blood in stool isn't a serious health issue, it's not a symptom to ignore. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our rectal disorder specialist, Dr....
It starts during a bowel movement, causing sharp or burning anal pain that may last several minutes or a few hours. The discomfort with anal fissures is so unbearable you may do everything possible to avoid pooping. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our board-certified family physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, knows how hard...
The pain you feel during and after a bowel movement after an anal fissure is so bad that many people withhold their poop to avoid it. Unfortunately, not pooping may make things worse. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our board-certified family physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens,...
Most anal fissures heal on their own within a few weeks. However, if your anal fissure causes muscle tension and spasms, the tear in the sensitive anal tissue may not close on its own and require surgery to support healing. After weeks of pain during and after bowel movements, you may feel...
Keeping the anal area clean is essential. After all, it serves as the exit point for food waste, toxins, and germs. Improper anal cleaning may lead to an unwanted infection. However, the anal area is susceptible. And, while it’s crucial to keep it clean, aggressive cleaning may cause problems like anal...
According to the most recent data, about 26 million people were diagnosed with a new sexually transmitted disease (STD) in 2018. STDs are a significant public health, but many people may not get the help they need because of the stigma surrounding these infections. And, if you have a symptom like anal discomfort,...
Whether before, during, or after a bowel movement, anal discomfort can make life a little unbearable. Though you shouldn’t let ongoing anal pain go without talking to a healthcare professional, making a few lifestyle changes may ease some discomfort. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our...
Seeing blood in your stool may set off all your alarm bells. And it should. Blood in stool indicates something is happening in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In most cases, bloody stools aren’t too serious, but they are a symptom worth discussing with a medical expert. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment...
Anal itchiness every time you sit down is uncomfortable in many ways. And a symptom you’re probably hoping to find a reasonable explanation for on the internet. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our board-certified family physician Dr. Betsy Clemens is an expert at diagnosing and treating rectal disorders that cause...
Hemorrhoids and anal fissures are both anorectal disorders. Though they have some similar causes, they’re two distinct conditions requiring different modes of treatment. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, treats both hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Many people suffer...
When it hurts during a bowel movement, you may avoid the bathroom. But ignoring your pain and the need to go can make things worse. In most cases, the cause of the pain has an easy treatment. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, our board-certified family...
You’re not alone if you’d rather suffer with the discomfort of your hemorrhoids than talk to a medical professional about it. We get it. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, focuses exclusively on anorectal disorders like hemorrhoids. Many of...
When you have anal pain, you may search the internet for a self-diagnosis. We get it. Anal pain isn’t an easy topic to discuss with anyone. But our board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, at Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, recommends scheduling a visit if your...
Diverticulitis is inflammation of the diverticula, small bulging pouches found along the inner wall of the colon. If you have diverticula, you have diverticulosis. Most people with diverticulosis have no symptoms and don’t need special treatment unless they develop diverticulitis. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, we specialize in...
Anal pain is common but probably not a comfortable conversation, even with a health care provider. But there’s no need to suffer through the pain. More than likely, your discomfort is due to a relatively harmless and treatable condition. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our board-certified...
Years of research and data support the claim that fiber is good for your health, improving bowel function and reducing the risk of many chronic health conditions. Despite these benefits, nearly 95% of people in the United States fail to meet their daily fiber needs. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri,...
Every year, about 4 million people in the United States visit their doctor or the emergency room for hemorrhoids. Though you can treat hemorrhoids at home, it’s always best to consult with a professional, so you get the right care. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Betsy...
You may not regularly talk about your bowel habits, but pooping is a vital body function. Stool is what remains after your body has digested and absorbed all the nutrients and fluids from your foods and the beverages. You may not spend too much time inspecting your poop before flushing...
The urge to scratch is intense. But because the itch is in such a sensitive location, you may try your hardest to ignore your anal itchiness. But you shouldn’t ignore your discomfort. Anal itching is common and usually not a symptom of a serious illness. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center...
Though not an easy topic to talk about, pain when you poop isn’t a symptom you should grin and bear. That discomfort you feel is a sign that something else is going on. Though not always a serious health issue, finding out the cause can help stop the anal pain. ...
Though often dismissed as hemorrhoids, anal fissures are an injury to the sensitive anal tissue. Hemorrhoids may cause anal discomfort, but anal fissures cause severe anal pain during a bowel movement that may last several minutes or a few hours. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our...
Hemorrhoidal tissue is a normal part of human anatomy. Made up of blood vessels, connective tissue, and muscle, hemorrhoidal tissue lines the anus and lower portion of your rectum. Though it may seem like everyone has problems with their hemorrhoidal tissue, also known as hemorrhoids; enlarged, swollen, symptomatic hemorrhoids affect...
Seeing blood in the toilet bowl after a bowel movement can set off all your alarm bells, though, in most cases, blood in stool isn’t a serious medical issue. However, it’s not a symptom you should ignore, either. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our board-certified family...
Hemorrhoids are a common health problem that affect a very sensitive area of the body — the anus and rectum. This may be why so many people wait a long time before they seek any medical help for their hemorrhoids. But if you have a thrombosed hemorrhoid, you may not...
Many people have hemorrhoids. And for most, hemorrhoids go away on their own with at-home care. However, at-home care may not work for everyone. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, exclusively diagnoses and treats anorectal disorders like hemorrhoids. If...
Anal itchiness causes an incessant need to scratch the anal tissue. And the more you scratch, the more you itch. The uncomfortable sensation is a symptom of many anorectal disorders. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our board-certified family medicine physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, specializes in diagnosing...
Your stool is what remains after your gastrointestinal system breaks down and absorbs all the essential nutrients and fluid from what you eat and drink. Though mostly water, your stool also contains a mix of fiber, bacteria, cells, and mucus. Your bowel movements may not be a regular topic of...
Hemorrhoids are common and not always a major medical concern. In fact, you may even get relief from your hemorrhoid symptoms with a few days of at-home treatment. However, sometimes you need medical care for hemorrhoids, especially if they cause blood in stool. Though a common symptom of internal hemorrhoids,...
Though often confused with hemorrhoids, an anal fissure is a tear in the sensitive tissue that lines the anus. In most cases, anal fissures heal with conservative care. However, ignoring the warning signs of an anal fissure may prolong the healing process or turn your acute problem into a chronic...
Anyone can develop hemorrhoids. In fact, it’s estimated that about 50% of people will have the anorectal condition by the time they reach age 50. Though anyone can develop hemorrhoids, truck drivers are at an increased risk of having the condition that causes anal itchiness and discomfort. However, it’s not...
Your colon, or large intestine, is the last part of your digestive tract. Its primary function is to process and eliminate waste from your body. Though you may not give your body’s waste removal system much thought, you should. There are many health conditions that affect your colon, like constipation,...
Your body uses many signals to let you know something’s wrong, including sensations like pain, burning, and itching. Though not always a serious health issue, anal itchiness isn’t normal. It’s a symptom your body uses to let you know something is off. Like many, you may find any discomfort that...
Though you may be troubled by your anal pain, you may be reluctant to discuss your discomfort with your doctor. But anal pain is a common symptom of many benign and treatable conditions, and you shouldn’t be embarrassed to talk about it. Here at Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, we specialize...
Though rarely a serious health concern, hemorrhoids can be a recurring and painful problem. This is especially true if you choose to ignore the symptoms of this common anorectal disorder. But you’re not alone if you choose to suffer in silence instead of getting help for your hemorrhoids. The American...
Whether you discover blood in your stool after having a bowel movement or from a stool test, the symptom may leave you with fear and anxiety. Though you should never ignore bloody stools, it’s helpful to know that, in most cases, the cause isn’t a serious health issue. Here at...
The intense itch and urge to scratch makes anal itchiness a difficult symptom to ignore. This may have you searching the internet looking for any remedy or treatment to relieve your discomfort. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, we understand how you feel. Dr. Betsy Clemens, our...
Hemorrhoid symptoms vary depending on location. External hemorrhoids cause the most discomfort, especially when they become thrombosed, which means your hemorrhoid has formed a blood clot. Thrombosed hemorrhoids make activities like sitting an absolute nightmare, and you may wonder what caused the painful condition. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, our...
Sometimes called varicose veins of the anus, hemorrhoids are common, but many people suffer for too long before they seek treatment. Though home remedies can help shrink hemorrhoids, not everyone responds positively to at-home care. If your hemorrhoids aren’t improving or are causing anal pain that makes sitting almost impossible,...
Though you may have a difficult time discussing your discomfort with friends and family, anal pain is more common than you might think. In most cases, the underlying cause of the discomfort isn’t serious, but the pain can be severe because the perianal region contains many nerve endings. There are...
Hemorrhoids are common and cause a range of symptoms, from anal itchiness to blood in stool. However, despite the variation in symptoms, chronic constipation is one of the most common causes of the embarrassing condition. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in St. Louis, Missouri, our board-certified family physician, Dr. Betsy...
Summer is prime time for vacation and relaxation. But if you have hemorrhoids, you may find the heat and humidity that comes with the season a bit more than you can handle. Though the summer heat may exacerbate your symptoms, there’s no need to spend all season soaking in a...
Hemorrhoids are a common condition that affect millions of Americans on a daily basis, according to the American Society of Colon & Rectal Surgeons. If you’re like most, you may suffer with your hemorrhoids longer than necessary before seeking medical help. Though hemorrhoid symptoms vary and may even be mild...
Hemorrhoids are common, but they can be an embarrassing health problem. The good news is, you can treat your hemorrhoids at home. However, not all home remedies for hemorrhoids work as well as some internet sites may claim. Dr. Betsy Clemens, our board-certified family physician at Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center...
At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in St. Louis, Missouri, our board-certified family physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, knows how uncomfortable it can be to talk to your doctor about things like anal pain. But millions of people in the United States experience this type of pain, which may occur for a...
From chronic itching to excruciating pain, your hemorrhoids may cause a lot of discomfort that can affect your day-to-day activities, as well as your sleep. At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Creve Coeur, Missouri, our experienced physician, Dr. Betsy Clemens, has more than two decades of experience helping those...
You may find hemorrhoids an embarrassing problem, but the condition is very common, affecting nearly half of all Americans over age 50. In most cases, you can treat your hemorrhoids at home. But if your hemorrhoids aren’t improving with at-home care, or if they’re a recurring problem, you may need...
It’s understandably alarming to see blood smeared on your tissue or dripping into the toilet bowl after a bowel movement. But rectal bleeding is more common than most individuals realize. The cause is typically traced to an issue within the rectum or lower colon, but may also occur outside the...
Are you experiencing pain or discomfort while defecating or when you sit for long periods? You may have hemorrhoids or anal fissures, which can be a concern for pregnant women. Anal health issues during pregnancy are common, as hormonal shifts can increase your risk of developing them. Hemorrhoids are enlarged...
Seemingly everyone experiences an itchy anus from time to time. Your anus is the opening at the bottom of your gastrointestinal tract, where your waste leaves your body as stools or feces. When you have anal itching, the sensation can occur inside or around your anus. In many cases, your...
Pain anywhere in your body is tough to deal with, but anal pain presents its own set of unique challenges. The difficulty of trying to deal with a condition that you can’t outwardly address is bad enough, but the pain can have a surprising impact on your life, making even...
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins located in the lowest part of your rectal canal and anus. Often due to increased pressure in the lower rectum, they can become quite painful and bleed when irritated as the vein walls enlarge. The inflamed veins associated with hemorrhoids are often due to...
Hemorrhoids are a common occurrence that’s often related to the characteristics of your stool and how easy it is for your bowels to pass said stools. So, what’s food got to do with it? The foods you eat and the liquids you consume help determine the nature of your stools....
The sight of blood is cause for concern under normal circumstances, but when it shows up in unlikely places, like your stool, you might be especially alarmed. It may help you to know up front that the presence of blood in stool isn’t all that uncommon. And the conditions that...
Constipation is a fact of life for most of us, striking for any number of reasons, from temporary dehydration to simple nerves. But ongoing problems with constipation that cause a good deal of physical discomfort and stress is another kettle of fish that will benefit from our help. At Midwest...
We understand that anal discomfort and hemorrhoids aren’t exactly topics suited for the dinner table or office, but these are legitimate medical issues that could use a little expertise. Here at Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center, headed up Dr. Betsy Clemens, we provide a safe oasis where you can address this...
Hemorrhoids are a common malady that medical experts estimate three out of every four adults on the planet will experience at some point in their life. Sometimes a hemorrhoidal flare, related to swollen blood vessels in the rectum and anal region, will come and go without too much fanfare. Often,...
It’s true that the symptoms you’re having help identify which type of hemorrhoid you’re experiencing. The good news is that treatment exists for all types, and it may be easier than you believe to get rid of the pain and bleeding that often accompany this fairly common problem. Betsy Clemens,...
You may, understandably, not like to talk about it, but hemorrhoids are pretty common. They affect about 10 million adults in the United States annually. It’s estimated, in fact, that as many as three in four adults will experience problems with hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Take a...