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Why Do I Keep Getting Hemorrhoids?

Why Do I Keep Getting Hemorrhoids?

We all have hemorrhoids. We only notice them when they enlarge and cause symptoms. Hemorrhoids are the ring of blood vessels and tissue located in the lower part of the rectum and anus. They provide cushion and support.

Hemorrhoid flare-ups affect many people and often go away on their own within a week. However, if you don’t address the underlying cause that aggravates your hemorrhoids, then they may come back.

At Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, we specialize in helping people get long-term relief from hemorrhoids. Our rectal disorder expert, Dr. Betsy Clemens, wants to explain why you keep getting hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoid review

We probably threw you off by mentioning that we all have hemorrhoids. But this might help explain why they keep coming back.

Hemorrhoids are the blood vessels in the lower part of the rectum that cause problems when they enlarge and swell, leading to symptoms like:

The swelling may affect the external or internal blood vessels. The location of your hemorrhoids influences symptoms. You’re more likely to experience discomfort with external hemorrhoids. However, internal hemorrhoids can prolapse (fall out of the lower rectum), causing pain. 

Why you keep getting hemorrhoids

Pressure on the blood vessels causes the swelling that leads to hemorrhoid symptoms. Pressure may come from straining during a bowel movement, spending too much time sitting on the toilet, or lifting heavy objects. Weakening of the supportive anal tissue as you get older may make you more susceptible to the swelling. 

You may keep getting hemorrhoids if you don’t address the underlying issue that causes your hemorrhoids. If you have recurring hemorrhoids, it’s time to talk to a professional who can get to the root of your problem and prevent future flare-ups. 

We understand why you may want to try and resolve your hemorrhoid problem on your own. Anal issues are a sensitive subject, but there’s no need to prolong your suffering. 

Stopping the flare-ups

Lifestyle changes are key to stopping the hemorrhoids from coming back. Once we determine the cause of the swelling, we develop a plan to relieve your symptoms and prevent future problems.

Lifestyle changes that may prevent recurring hemorrhoids include:

If you have recurring internal hemorrhoids, we suggest infrared coagulation (IRC), a painless in-office treatment that uses infrared light to coagulate (clot) the hemorrhoid and create scar tissue that may reduce the chances of a recurrence. 

In severe cases, we refer patients to a gastroenterologist to discuss other treatments like hemorrhoid rubber band ligation.

Unfortunately, there’s no cure for hemorrhoids. The best way to stop getting them is to eliminate excess pressure on the blood vessels with lifestyle changes.

If your hemorrhoids are an ongoing problem, we can help find the solution. Call our office at 314-669-2758 to make an appointment with Dr. Clemens today.

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