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How to Get Anal Itchiness Relief

How to Get Anal Itchiness Relief

Incessant itching can be maddening no matter where it is on your body. However, it can be especially frustrating — and even embarrassing — to deal with anal itching. Although it can make you feel self-conscious, it’s important to understand that anal itchiness is incredibly common. So much so there’s a medical term: pruritus ani. 


Anal itching isn’t a medical condition on its own but rather a symptom of something else going on. Most of the time, anal itching isn’t the result of a health condition related to your anus or rectum. Instead, it’s usually a skin or dermatological issue. 


If anal itchiness is causing lots of physical and emotional discomfort, rest assured that at-home treatments should do the trick. At the Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center in Town and Country, Missouri, Betsy Clemens, MD, and the rest of our team understand that anal itching can disrupt your life. 


So, in this month’s blog, we highlight common causes of itchiness and offer some solutions to help you relieve it. 

What causes anal itching?

Anything that can irritate the skin around your anus can lead to anal itching, but these are some of the more common triggers:


If your anal opening isn’t cleaned well after a bowel movement, leftover fecal matter can irritate your skin. This can also happen if you have chronic diarrhea or watery stools that sometimes leak out. 

Certain foods and beverages

Any foods or drinks that can irritate your anus through a bowel movement can cause anal itching. These include spicy foods, citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, and tea.

Chemical irritant or skin allergy

If you have sensitive skin, certain chemicals or medications applied in the anal area could trigger a skin reaction. Common irritants include clothing dyes, scented toilet paper, perfumed soap, feminine hygiene sprays, talcum powder, or deodorants for the anal area. 

Over-cleansing your anal area

While it’s always important to thoroughly clean and dry your anal area after a bowel movement, wiping it too vigorously can irritate the skin and lead to itching. 

Other potential culprits

Although they aren’t as common, other possible causes for anal itching include hemorrhoids, skin tags, or skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. 

How to relieve anal itching

When treating your anal itchiness, the most important thing you can do is resist the urge to scratch it. This will only exacerbate the itchiness and make you more miserable. Once you’ve identified the cause, the itching should take about a week to completely subside. Depending on the reason for your anal itching, these are some helpful ways to reduce the severity of the itchiness:

If these methods don’t provide you with relief, don’t delay seeking treatment with our Midwest Hemorrhoid Treatment Center team. We can help you discover the source of the itching and develop a subsequent treatment plan. 

For expert and compassionate treatment of anal itching, schedule an appointment with our team by calling our office or using our online booking feature today.

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